Rhetoric |
Quantessential Communicatons
is a system of intentional healing to enhance the conscious management
of space and form. This is predicated on the assumption
that we are eternal spiritual Beings that choose to participate in
one or more realities. In this reality depth is a defining feature;
we gain mastery in creatively managing the depth of the 3rd dimensional,
dense, material aspects of form. |
The human body is composed of cooperatively
organized earthly materials indigenous to this planet and of immaterial
substances, from a variety of sources, that participate in this
materially realized dimension. The 'software', lacking a better
analogy, relates to the mind. The mind is an immaterial
level of information that drives behaviors, thought forms and contains
a variety of beliefs and constructs that give rise to our body personality.
This definition implies a programmable
nature to the mind. Information transcribed (programmed) in our
human system may filter or displace
information coming from other sources or be from sources pre-existent
in other dimensions, other realities, individuals, groups or from
our own experiential reservoir; a reservoir I call the Soul.
Information from other sources
can influence us in a myriad of ways. This 'influence' may interfere
with access and ownership of our own knowingness; that which we have
done (past), are doing (present), and will do (future). The unlimited
possibilities may seem unavailable to us when access is blocked by
unconscious patterns or via patterns of denial directly related to
constructs of the mind. Managing our own form(s) and space(s) from
a spiritually senior perspective may seem lost or impossible leaving
the body personality to limit restitution or repeat painful patterns;
patterns originating moments ago or from eons past being disseminated
via configurations of DNA or more subtly constructed archives. |
Quantessential Communicatons is
intended to help you reconfigure your relationship as a Being with
your own body, your space(s) eternally
within and eternally out.
Quantessential Communicatons may
assist you in consciously connecting to inner and outer resources
and assist you to re-configure your own form and space. This will
allow you to fully own your human system on an immaterial and a
material level.As healing proceeds an expanded
sense of perception and a deepened awareness of your own truth ensues.
Quantessential Communicatons is
a system to help you reclaim your power and potency as a Being,
as an individual, as a member of your chosen group(s) such that
you become conscious of the dynamic use of you as an influential
agent in fulfilling your chosen purpose(s).
Please keep in mind that there
is nothing new to us in this system of intentional healing.
This system is a structure I have created for the application of
I am now accepting registry for individuals wanting
to learn the structure and techniques used in Quantessential Communicatons.
As a system of intentional healing, professionals and non-professionals
will be offered education and training in identifying the quintessence
of the Being as a primary focus for communications and the application
of intention.
Quantessential Communicatons is uniquely
applicable to those professionals needing to relate to the fundamental
aspects of the human experience as part of their career path and
daily service. This involves an understanding of the anatomy and
physiology of our physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual levels
of material and immaterial human form in the co-habitation of space.
Quantessential Communicatons ©
2006 |